How to Hack UV Lights into DIY Squalene Shark Oil Extractors


Squalene, a natural oil derived from shark liver, has gained popularity for its numerous health benefits. It is commonly used in skincare products due to its anti-aging properties and ability to moisturize the skin. Extracting squalene from shark liver can be a daunting task, but with a bit of ingenuity and DIY skills, you can create your own squalene shark oil extractor using UV lights. In this article, we will guide you through the process of hacking UV lights into a DIY squalene shark oil extractor.

How to Hack UV Lights into DIY Squalene Shark Oil Extractors

Materials Needed:

– A UV light source (such as a UV sterilizer or a UV lamp)

– A transparent glass container or a UV-resistant plastic container

– A clean, sharp knife

– A non-reactive metal spoon

– Distilled water

– A refrigerator

– A filter or cheesecloth

– A dropper or pipette


1. Prepare the Shark Liver:

Start by obtaining a fresh or frozen shark liver. Ensure that the liver is clean and free from any contaminants. If using a frozen liver, thaw it in the refrigerator overnight.

2. Cut the Liver:

Using a clean, sharp knife, carefully cut the liver into small, manageable pieces. This will help in the extraction process.

3. Place the Liver in the Container:

Add the cut liver pieces into the transparent glass or UV-resistant plastic container. Ensure that the container is large enough to accommodate the liver pieces.

4. Add Distilled Water:

Pour distilled water into the container, filling it halfway. The water should be at room temperature.

5. Submerge the UV Light:

Position the UV light source above the container, ensuring that it is submerged in the water. The UV light will help in breaking down the cell walls of the liver, making it easier to extract the squalene.

6. Cover the Container:

Securely cover the container with a lid or a plastic wrap to prevent any contaminants from entering.

7. UV Light Exposure:

Leave the container with the UV light on for several hours, depending on the size of the liver pieces. Generally, 6 to 8 hours should be sufficient. However, you can adjust the time based on your specific requirements.

8. Refrigeration:

After the UV light exposure, refrigerate the container for at least 12 hours. This step will help in separating the squalene from the liver pieces.

9. Separate the Squalene:

Remove the container from the refrigerator and carefully pour the mixture through a filter or cheesecloth. This will separate the squalene from the solid liver pieces and water.

10. Collect the Squalene:

Collect the squalene in a separate container using a dropper or pipette. The squalene will settle at the bottom of the container due to its density.

11. Store the Squalene:

Transfer the extracted squalene to an airtight container and store it in a cool, dry place. You can also refrigerate the squalene for longer shelf life.


By hacking UV lights into a DIY squalene shark oil extractor, you can easily extract squalene from shark liver. This method is cost-effective and allows you to have access to high-quality squalene for your skincare needs. Just remember to use fresh or frozen shark liver, and follow the steps carefully to ensure a successful extraction.